

United Innovation Hub


The United Center for Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Incubation (UCEII), United College (supported by United Academy and United Alumni Association) was established in 2022, to build a national-leading innovation think-tank and research platform to explore innovation and advanced business practices, to motivate students to start their own business venture instead of queuing in the job market, to catalyze and promote startups, to guide and assist in identifying platforms for commercialization.


To play a commendable role in fostering entrepreneurship and innovation thereby providing a platform for incubating business ideas in multiple sectors and augment its contribution to the country’s economy.


Encourage young minds to think differently and help them survive and prosper at the most vulnerable start-up stages.

Thrust Areas




Digital Transformation in Nepal






Information Technology


  • To identify potential Entrepreneurs among the students and faculty of united academy and to create a platform for them to emerge as successful entrepreneurs.
  • To identify new business opportunities in various sector.
  • To focus on areas with high potential for Entrepreneurship.
  • To network with entrepreneurship development institutes, funding agencies, and other industry/ academic institutions to support entrepreneurial initiatives.
  • Encourage students to innovate by providing a conducive ecosystem.
  • Encourage students to incubate their innovations in NCEII premises.
  • Encourage industry to incubate the ideas in NCEII premises.
  • Establish tie-ups with the industry.

What We Offer?

UCEII designate a separate big shared space for entreprenuers with all the basic facilities and services to start the company quickly. It offers a shared office model where entrepreneurs can work together under one roof mutually cooperating with each other. A separate meeting room is provided for discussion with stakeholders, and clients and for private business decisions. An open discussion space is allotted for United College staff and members to track the progress of candidates, brainstorm their work and have regular progress meetings. Other than this United College will provide expert counselling and monitoring of candidate business individually.


Seed Funding


Financial Investment


Strategic Networking Opportunities


Expert Mentorship & Training


Business Consultation


Legal Counselling

Contact Us

United College, Kumaripati, Lalitpur

Email : uceii@united.edu.np

Email : 01-5538673 Ext 148